Lent 2015, Day Twenty-Four—Ambrose of Milan (2)

For today, I have another passage from Ambrose.  This citation is from his Exposition of the Christian Faith.

It is profitable to me to know that for my sake Christ bore my infirmities, submitted to the affections of my body, that for me, that is to say, for every man, He was made sin, and a curse, that for me and in me was He humbled and made subject, that for me He is the Lamb, the Vine, the Rock, the Servant, the Son of an handmaid, knowing not the day of judgment, for my sake ignorant of the day and the hour.  (2.11.93)

A curse, then, He was made, not in respect of His Godhead, but of His flesh; for it is written: “Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.”  In and after the flesh, therefore, He hung, and for this cause He, Who bore our curses, became a curse.  (2.11.94)

Jerry Shepherd
March 17, 2015

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